EPA SEE Program
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Effiective Janaury 20, 2025 the policy for Calcuting Work Hours During Travel has been updated.


Effective October 22, 2024, NEW Solutions is launching the Concur Travel and Expense System. All NEW travel/training expenses reimbursements are required to be processed through Concur. 

If you have questions on using the Concur System, you can email ConcurSupport@newsolutions.org OR call 703-520-6270 or 703-558-4200 option 5.


Policy Statement

Due to the ever-changing environment in travel, as well as external factors beyond NEW Solutions’ control, this policy will be reviewed periodically and is subject to be updated on short notice. Enrollees must refamiliarize themselves with this policy in advance of travel planning.

Travel Overview

When travel is required in the regular performance of your duties as an NEW Solutions Enrollee, established NEW Solutions policies will apply. These policies are based on excerpts from the federal regulations governing travel under federally funded grants.
NEW Solutions Enrollees must use the Concur Travel Expense Management System (Concur) for arranging business travel and for booking airline tickets, train, rental cars, and lodging.
  • Chartered flights:  A chartered flight is one that is not part of the scheduled agenda provided by airlines and is commonly used for traveling to reach remote communities and areas that lack regular commercial airline service.
  • Airbnb and VRBO (or similar)
  • Conference lodging (group rate offerings)
  • Campgrounds and RV parks
  • SEE Enrollees cannot drive government vehicles or government-rented vehicles. 
  • Riding in a GOV or a vehicle rented by a federal employee is permissible.
  • Use the most economical means of transportation available.
  • Report expenses for business purposes only.
  • Submit a separate travel Expense report in the Concur Travel Expense Management system (Concur) for each trip.
  • Enrollees are not to represent themselves at any time as government employees to obtain discounts.
Your position must reflect travel expectations. If your position description did not initially reflect travel but business needs dictate a change in that status, your Monitor/Technical Advisor must request a change in your position description. The Monitor/Technical Advisor is responsible for informing NEW Solutions for any travel status changes and for budgeting accordingly.
Except for local travel less than 12 hours, Enrollees must obtain prior approval from their Monitor/Technical Advisor. This is accomplished within Concur by creating a Request. 

Local Travel: 12 hours or less

Business travel that does not involve an overnight stay.
For local travel, per diem is not provided meaning the enrollee will not be reimbursed for meals or incidentals during their travel time as it is considered within the scope of your workday.
You are not required to create a Request in Concur for local travel. Rather, you are required to have prior verbal approval from your Monitor/Technical Advisor.
If you need to utilize a rental vehicle, you must create a Request in Concur for the estimated expense of the rental and book your rental vehicle through Concur’s booking tool. 
Ground Transportation
Allowable means of transportation include taxis, Uber/Lyft, buses, ferries, or subways. Rental vehicles may not be used for local travel unless budgeted for in advance by your Monitor/Technical Advisor and authorized in advance by your Monitor/Technical Advisor.
After completing local travel, you must create an Expense report in Concur to seek reimbursement. 
Necessary documentation, to be included with the travel expense report, is listed below. Reimbursement will be delayed when appropriate documentation is not attached, such as:
  • single item receipt of $25.00 or more (i.e., taxi, parking, supplies)
  • vehicle rental receipt
  • gasoline receipt (vehicle rental)
  • pre-approval authorization from Monitor/Technical Advisor for use of rental vehicles.

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Local Travel: 12 to 24 hours

For continuous travel of more than 12 hours, but less than 24 hours with no lodging required, reimbursement for Meals & Incidental Expenses (M&IE) is allowed at 75% of the published GSA rate. In these instances, Enrollees must create a Request in Concur for authorization to travel and create an Expense report in Concur at the conclusion of travel to seek reimbursement. 
Prior to travel: A Request that includes the business purpose must be created in Concur to receive travel authorization from your Monitor/Technical Advisor.  To complete the Request, you will provide the estimated expenses you will incur on business travel.
After travel: Create an Expense report in Concur to seek reimbursement. Attach all necessary receipts.

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Travel with Overnight Stay

Prior to travel: A Request must be created in Concur to receive travel authorization from your Monitor/Technical Advisor.  To complete the Request, you will provide the estimated expenses you will incur on business travel. 
After travel: Create your Expense report Concur. Attach all necessary receipts.
A travel advance up to 85% of estimated expenses is allowed and can be requested within your travel Request in Concur. Enrollees must submit their expense report within 30 days of the conclusion of travel. Enrollees are also required to return to NEW Solutions any unspent portion of the advance within 30 days.
If any unspent monies of the advance are not returned within the 30-day time limit, the Enrollee and the Accounts Payable representative will then establish a payment plan under which the amount owed is deducted from the Enrollee's paycheck(s) when necessary. If for any reason a payment plan cannot be established (e.g. separated enrollee), the amount(s) in question will be recorded as taxable income to the enrollee.
This policy is designed to comply with the accountable plan rules of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the U.S. Treasury Department
Ground Transportation
Allowable means of transportation include taxis, Uber/Lyft, buses, ferries, or subways. Enrollees are encouraged to use mass transit systems whenever available rather than rental cars or taxis to keep costs to a minimum.
Enrollees are to create an Expense report in Concur to seek reimbursement. All required receipts must be attached. The expense report must be submitted within 30 days after travel has been completed. Necessary documentation, to be included with the Expense, is listed below. Reimbursement will be delayed when appropriate documentation is not attached, such as:
  • Chartered flight airline ticket receipt if paid via personal credit card or with cash,
  • Itemized hotel bill (see lodging receipt requirements under the section Per Diem Rates for Lodging).
  • Vehicle rental receipt,
  • Gasoline receipt (vehicle rental),
  • Single item receipt over $25.00 (i.e., taxi, parking), 
Items not reimbursable: trip cancellation insurance, club memberships, personal phone charges more than the $6.00 allowed per overnight, gifts, family/friends' expenses, entertainment, pay-for-view movies or other personal expenses other than transportation, food, lodging and business expenses.

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Personal Travel with Business Travel

Personal travel combined with business travel is highly discouraged but not prohibited. NEW Solutions requires the following when personal travel is expected:
When creating a Request in Concur, please indicate in the comment section that you are combining personal with business travel and provide the dates of personal travel.
You may only be reimbursed for expenses related to the business portion of your trip. 
Cost comparison
You are required to compare the cost of airfare for the business portion of your trip to the cost of airfare for the entire trip. You must complete this comparison at the time of completing the Request in Concur and attach it to your Request. 
Note! Failure to submit a cost comparison may result in non-reimbursement of the airfare.
On days when an enrollee is not traveling for business purposes (e.g., personal travel days before or after business), NEW Solutions’ responsibility is limited to ensuring safe return from the official business trip. NEW Solutions is not accountable for the enrollee’s safety during personal activities or travel outside of work obligations.
  • Enrollees are expected to use good judgment and follow local laws and regulations while traveling on personal days.
  • NEW Solutions is not responsible for accommodations, transportation, or safety measures outside of official business travel.
When combining personal travel with business travel, additional non-business overnights and expenses will be considered personal expenses and must be excluded from reimbursement when completing your Expense report in Concur.

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POV - Privately Owned Vehicle

When operation of a POV is required for business use, the enrollee must carry valid liability and property damage insurance that covers business use of the vehicle. Enrollees need to consult with their insurance professional to ensure they have adequate coverage.
The enrollee must possess a valid driver’s license and be in compliance with any restrictions associated with that license when operating their personally owned vehicle for business. 

Mileage Rates

Annual mileage rates are posted on the GSA website. Click here 

Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) vs. Air Transportation

NEW Solutions requires the most cost-effective means of travel. This policy establishes guidelines for determining whether to reimburse Enrollees for airfare or driving expenses based on cost-effectiveness, ensuring that travel expenses are minimized and properly justified.
Distance Threshold
For trips exceeding 400 miles one-way, air travel is generally expected unless driving is clearly more economical.
Cost Comparison Requirement
When choosing between air travel and driving for business-related travel, the Enrollee will be reimbursed for the lesser of the two costs:
  • Airfare, including associated costs (e.g., baggage fees, transportation to and from the airport, etc.).
  • Driving mileage, calculated using the current mileage reimbursement rate, and other driving-related expenses (e.g., tolls, parking fees).
Mileage Reimbursement Calculation
Mileage reimbursement will be based on the IRS standard mileage rate. The total driving cost will include mileage, tolls, and parking fees.
Cost Comparison Process
Prior to travel, a cost comparison must be conducted to determine the most economical option:
  • The traveler must obtain an estimate for both airfare and driving mileage to their destination.
  • The reimbursement will be based on the lower total cost between the two options, unless an exception is granted (see below).
In specific circumstances, the traveler may be allowed to drive even if the cost exceeds that of airfare. Exceptions may be granted if:
  • Multiple travelers are sharing one vehicle.
  • The traveler needs to transport special equipment or materials.
  • Air travel is unavailable or impractical.
  • Other justified reasons.
Approval Process
The traveler must submit the cost comparison along with their travel Request in Concur for approval before booking travel arrangements.

Air Transportation

Enrollees who are authorized for business travel must use the booking tool within Concur. Booking chartered flights outside of the Concur booking tool is permitted. Airline tickets purchased through the Concur booking tool will be automatically charged to NEW Solutions corporate credit card.
Important! Enrollees may not purchase airline tickets more than forty-five (45) days in advance of the travel departure date through the Concur booking tool.  The Concur booking tool must be used for all airline purchases. (Exception: chartered flights are allowed outside of Concur booking tool).
Lowest Logical Fare
The most direct (i.e., shortest offered) and economical route should always be selected for air travel. Enrollees should select the itinerary with the lowest logical fare at the time of booking. The lowest logical fare refers to the most cost-effective airfare that meets the traveler’s specific needs, considering factors like routing, schedule, and class of service. It balances both price and reasonable convenience (such as minimizing layovers and avoiding excessively long travel times) in compliance with 2 CFR 200.475(e). NEW Solutions’ definition of lowest logical airfare is built into the Concur booking tool.
When additional travel days are added because the traveler elects to combine personal days with business travel, the traveler is responsible for any additional costs resulting from adding nonbusiness travel days. A cost comparison must be done at the time of booking and attached to your travel request in Concur (See the section PERSONAL TRAVEL WITH BUSINESS TRAVEL)
Refundable Airline Tickets
Purchasing refundable airline tickets is not permitted unless there is a compelling reason, such as:
  • Uncertainty of Travel Dates:
    • Travel dates are not confirmed or may change due to unpredictable project timelines, meetings, or external factors beyond the traveler’s control.
  • Urgent or Critical Travel:
    • The trip is critical to the agency’s mission, and the potential for cancellation or rescheduling is high, making flexibility a priority.
  • Cost-Benefit Justification:
    • The overall cost of a refundable ticket, when compared to a non-refundable ticket plus any change or cancellation fees, is reasonable and cost-effective.
  • Emergency Situations:
    • Travel related to unforeseen emergencies, such as natural disasters or sudden project changes, where last-minute modifications may be necessary.
In these cases, if a refundable ticket is justifiably more cost-effective (for example, to avoid change fees or cancellations), NEW Solutions permits such a purchase, but the rationale must be provided in the comments section of the Request in Concur and aligned with the NEW Solutions' travel policy.


Rental Vehicle

Rental of vehicles by NEW Solutions Enrollees can be utilized only within the context of preauthorized business assignments. The Concur booking tool must be used for reserving rental vehicles. The enrollee is responsible to pay for rental cars and seek reimbursement.
When rental cars are necessary, the enrollee must rent from a nationally recognized agency to avoid service problems often associated with smaller local rental firms. Enrollees are directed to always accept both the rental agency's Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) insurance, which will cover collision damage to the vehicle and the additional liability (LDW) coverage which covers injury or damage to the other party in case of an accident. NEW Solutions will reimburse these additional charges. No other additional insurance charges, such as medical insurance, will be reimbursed.
The enrollee is expected to make reservations for model automobiles and to compare rental plans carefully to obtain the most economical package.
Enrollees on business travel outside of the 50 States or the District of Columbia should purchase additional rental car insurance coverage for damage to or loss of the vehicle and pay the additional fees. If rental or leasing agency requirements, foreign statute or legal procedures of the foreign country could cause extreme difficulty to an enrollee involved in an accident, an enrollee on foreign business travel should purchase the full insurance coverage offered by the rental car company.

Phone Calls

Personal phone calls may be reimbursed to a maximum of $6.00 for each overnight stay and should be itemized on the Enrollee’s expense report.

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Per Diem Rates

NEW Solutions follows the Federal General Services Administration (GSA) and Department of Defense per diem (lodging and M&IE) rates for travel within the continental United States, Alaska and Hawaii.  Although NEW Solutions Enrollees are to use these per diem rates, Enrollees are not Federal employees and must not represent themselves as Federal employees while traveling.

Federal GSA per diem rates are populated in Concur when creating your travel Request. You may also 
Click here to access per diem rates for travel within the United States. On this page, select the year your travel is occurring (the GSA page can display both current and past per diem rates), and then click on the state you are visiting on the map.
Important Note: Travel to a location not listed in the above per diem rate tables requires an Enrollee to use the Standard CONUS (Continental United States) rates for lodging and M&IE listed at the beginning of each state's rate table.
Travel to Foreign Locations
Per diem rates covering Puerto Rico, the Northern Marianas, U.S. Possessions, and foreign locations is available in Concur when creating your travel Request. You may also 
Click here for travel to Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. Territories. Click here for foreign locations.
Per Diem Instructions for Lodging
If you are unable to obtain the government lodging per diem rate, the actual lodging reimbursement is limited to a maximum of 300% of the GSA lodging per diem rate for that area. Taxes are treated separately and not part of the room rate.
Terms and Conditions
Enrollees are responsible for knowing and complying with the lodging property’s terms and conditions, including but not limited to no-show or cancellation policies and check-in/out hours. Enrollees may be held personally responsible for charges incurred for non-compliance with lodging terms and conditions.
Lodging Provided In-Kind
NEW Solutions will not pay or reimburse any lodging that is furnished in-kind or at no cost, including electing to stay with family or friends during business travel.
Receipt Requirements
All lodging expenses paid or reimbursed, upon checkout, must be supported by an itemized receipt received directly from the lodging supplier and containing the following required information:
  • Name and address of lodging supplier
  • Name of Traveler(s) sleeping in room
  • Dates of stay
  • Number of people in room
  • Daily sleeping room rate
  • Room type
  • Taxes and other fees for each day of stay
  • Itemization of other costs (i.e. parking, internet, room service, etc.)
  • Proof of payment
Tips for hotel personnel services are included in the Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) per diem allowance and are not reimbursed separately. 
Per Diem Rates for Meals and Incidental Expenses (ME&I)
  • are based on the traveler's overnight stay location, and
  • are affected according to how long the travel lasts as depicted in the chart below.
  • NOTE: When travel is to multiple locations with different M&IE rates and NO LODGING is required, the allowance will be based on the highest-location M&IE rate.
NOTE: For computing M&IE allowances, official business travel begins at the time you leave the office, home or other point of departure and ends when you return to the point of origin at the conclusion of the trip.
  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Travel for 12 hours or less
No M&IE allowed

Continuous Travel
> 12 hrs < 24 hrs
75% M&IE

Travel Begins
75% M&IE

Full Day Travel
ELIGIBLE for 100% M&IE
Full Day Travel
ELIGIBLE for 100% M&IE
Travel Ends
Travel Begins
75% M&IE

Travel Ends
75% M&IE

Furnished Meals reduce your M&IE.  Within Concur, you may easily omit the per diem portion of provided meals. 

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Calculating Work Hours During Travel

This policy provides guidelines on compensable travel time for non-exempt enrollees on work-related travel, aligning with both the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and state regulations. Effective January 25, 2025.
  1. Home-to-Work Commuting
  • Regular commuting time to an enrollee's primary worksite is not considered paid time under the FLSA.
    • If travel is a part of the enrollee’s main job duties (such as travel between job sites), it is considered paid time.
  1. Special One-Day Assignments (Same-Day Travel)
    • Travel time for a work assignment outside the primary worksite within the same day is compensable, minus any personal meal breaks.
  2. Travel Away from Home (Extended Overnight Travel)
    • Within Regular Work Hours:  Travel time that falls within an enrollee’s regular work hours, regardless of the day of the week, is paid time.
    • Outside Regular Work Hours:  Travel time outside an enrollee’s regular work hours, is paid time.
      • Travel to and from an airport or train station is paid time
      • Time spent waiting at the terminal and during transit is paid time.
  3. Work Performed During Travel
    • Any work-related activities performed during travel, such as responding to emails, calls, or attending meetings, are considered paid time.
  4. Personal Activities During Travel
    • Time spent on personal activities, such as going out to dinner, sightseeing, or engaging in other non-work-related activities during required business travel, is not paid time.
Timecard Instructions
Enrollees must accurately record all compensable travel time accurately on their timecards in accordance with the guidelines outlined above.

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Policy History

Approved October 23, 2024


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