The NEW Solutions Enrollee Program is on a biweekly payroll system that runs from Saturday morning through the second Friday night.
A check or direct deposit verification will be mailed to you from the NEW Solutions headquarters office in Arlington, VA every other Thursday.
Direct Deposit is strongly recommended. Your paycheck is deposited into the bank of your choice on the check date. Direct deposit is the fastest, safest and most efficient way of receiving your money. To update or change your direct deposit information log into your ADP account. Under Myself, select Pay and then Payment Options. If you need assistance, please contact your Payroll Support Team.
Lost or stolen paychecks may be avoided by utilizing direct deposit. Keep in mind that holidays will often affect the delivery time of the U.S. mail. However, if a check is not received 7 days after the pay date, the enrollee should:
A replacement check will be issued and sent within 5 business days. If the "lost/stolen" paycheck is received after the stop payment process is initiated, the enrollee must return the original paycheck to the NEW Solutions Field Office immediately.
Click here to access the Enrollee pay schedule for the current calendar year.
The assigned hours an Enrollee works every pay period are considered authorized hours. These hours determine the amount of holiday pay for which an Enrollee is eligible.
Work hours over 40 in one week must be approved in advance and timesheet approved by monitor.
Should your authorized hours change at any time, you will need to adjust holiday hours accordingly.
If an Enrollee's authorized hours need to be changed for a sustained period, the Monitor must contact your NEW Solutions Field Office.
An Enrollee must work a minimum of 60 hours per pay period to maintain medical insurance eligibility.
Enrollees are not authorized to work overtime.
Volunteering extra hours without pay is disallowed under federal wage and hour law.
You may not take compensatory time off in lieu of overtime payment. Compensatory time is defined as taking time off instead of getting paid for hours worked. This is disallowed under federal wage and hour laws.
Enrollees who report to the agency office should follow the guidance of their local office for late arrival, early dismissal or office closure due to inclement weather conditions.
Telework Enrollees - Enrollees who are participating in a telework program, including those who perform telework regularly, those who telework on an ad hoc basis and who do not report to the agency office must be prepared to telework or take unscheduled leave. In general, inclement weather and safety leave is not available to telework enrollees who do not report to the office.
SEE Enrollees must follow the guidance of their designated EPA facility for closures, late arrivals or early dismissals. In the event of an official EPA-designed closure, late arrival, or early dismissal (including early release for federal holidays), enrollees may be eligible to receive Administrative pay for the hours of closure only if working that day. Please refer to the Administrative Leave section of the handbook.