EPA SEE Program
Enrollees Portal » Handbook


Vacation Leave

Vacation leave is calculated by multiplying the total number of hours paid by .0577. 

Vacation leave is accrued up to a maximum of 160 hours at any given time. Once the 160-hour maximum has been reached, no further vacation leave will accrue until the balance falls below the 160-hour maximum.

  1. Vacation leave cannot be paid in advance. 
  2. The Enrollee's earnings statement reflects the available balance of vacation leave as of the end of that pay period.
  3. The Monitor must approve all vacation leave requests in advance
  4. Vacation leave hours are non-worked hours and will not be included in any overtime pay calculations.

Under the "PAY CODE" column on the timesheet, select "VACATION" and the hours entered under the "HOURS" column in the ADP timesheet system.

Accrued Vacation Leave is available to allow the Enrollee paid time off while on the NEW Solutions program. Up to 160 hours of accrued Vacation leave will be paid out upon separation from the program.


Sick Leave

Sick leave is calculated by multiplying the total number of hours paid by .0462.  
Sick leave is paid only for medical purposes for enrollees themselves or to attend to an immediate family member. The enrollee's earnings statement reflects the available balance of sick leave.
Sick Leave is accrued to a maximum of 160 hours at any given time. Once the 160 hours maximum has been reached, no further sick leave will accrue until the balance falls below the 160 hour maximum.
  • Call the Monitor within 2 hours of start time, when absent or late
  • Call each day of absence. If absent for 3 or more consecutive days without calling in, separation proceedings may be initiated.
  • NEW Solutions may request a doctor's release when absent for 5 days or more.
Sick leave hours are non-worked hours and will not be included in any overtime pay calculations.
Under the "PAY CODE" column on the timesheet, select "SICK" and the hours entered under the "HOURS" column in the ADP timesheet system.  
Immediate Family includes spouses, children, daughter/son-in-law, parent, siblings, sister/brother-in-law, grandparent, grandchildren, mother/father-in-law, step parents, step siblings, step children, step grandchildren and domestic partners. 
Sick Leave remaining at the end of an enrollee's enrollment is not payable to the enrollee, unless specifically required by applicable State law.


Holiday Leave

The following are the official holidays to be observed by the NEW Solutions Program Enrollees for 2025

Day Date* Holiday
Monday January 1, 2025 New Years Day
Monday January 20, 2025 Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday
Monday February 17, 2025 President's Day
Monday May 26, 2025 Memorial Day
Wednesday June 19, 2025 Juneteenth
Thursday July 4, 2025 Independence Day
Monday September 1, 2025 Labor Day
Monday October 13, 2025 Columbus Day
Monday November 11, 2025 Veterans Day
Thursday November 27, 2025 Thanksgiving Day
Wednesday December 25, 2025 Christmas Day
  • Enrollees receive holiday pay as a fringe benefit, even if they are not regularly scheduled to work on that day.
  • Holiday leave hours must always be claimed on the date of the holiday.
  • Enrollees are not permitted to work on authorized holidays.

An Enrollee must be in "Active Pay Status" during the pay period in which the holiday falls to be eligible for payment. An Enrollee's "Active Pay Status" is verified by a time sheet with paid hours (i.e., work, vacation, jury duty, bereavement).


  • New Enrollees whose first timesheet reflects a start date after a holiday will not be paid for the holiday.
  • Separated Enrollees whose last time sheet reflects a separation day prior to a holiday will not be paid for the holiday.

Holiday pay is pro-rated for Enrollees who work part-time and is calculated by dividing an Enrollee's authorized hours per pay period by 10 and rounding up to the next quarter hour. (Please see chart for examples.)

Authorized Hours
per Pay Period

Holiday Hours

80 8.00
70 7.00
64 6.50
60 6.00
58 6.00
48 5.00
40 4.00
36 3.75
32 3.25
24 2.50
16 1.75


The hours should be entered in the Hours column and the code "HOLIDAY" should be selected in the "PAY CODE" column on the timesheet.

A maximum of 8 hours will be paid for a holiday. If an Enrollee's approved schedule is 10 hours per day, 4 days per week, only 8 hours of holiday leave should be recorded on the timesheet.

Holiday hours are non-worked hours and will not be included in any overtime pay calculations.


One Individual Holiday Per Calendar Year

One Individual Holiday is available to an enrollee each calendar year, in addition to the other 11 holidays. It must be used in the current calendar year and may not be carried over to another calendar year.

Individual Holiday hours must be taken during as one full day and may not be split amongst several days. The amount of Individual Holiday leave available is calculated in the same way as holiday leave.

The Individual Holiday should be approved in advance by the Monitor in writing.

If a government shutdown occurs at the end of the calendar year, the Individual Holiday policy will be reviewed.

The code "INDIV HOLIDAY" should be entered under the "PAY CODE" column on the e-timesheet when using the Individual Holiday, and the hours entered under the "HOURS" column. 


Jury Duty Leave

Up to 10 days of leave may be granted per jury service.  Enrollees will be paid for their regularly scheduled hours on a Jury Duty Day.  For example, an Enrollee who is regularly scheduled to work 6 hours on Mondays and who is called for jury duty on a Monday will only be paid for 6 hours.

Your Monitor must be informed when you are notified that you have been selected to serve on jury duty.

Jury duty hours must always be claimed on the date of the jury service.

Written evidence of jury service must be submitted to NEW Solutions before any payment will be released. Court remuneration for jury service should be kept by the Enrollee.

The hours should be entered in the Hours column and the code "JURY" should be selected in the "PAY CODE" column on the timesheet. 

Jury duty hours are non-worked hours and will not be included in any overtime pay calculations. 


Leave Without Pay

Up to thirty (30) business days of Leave Without Pay may be approved in a calendar year by the Monitor. 

The number of authorized hours for that day should be entered in the "HOURS" column (the electronic timesheet system will not accept zeros), and the code "LWOP" should be selected in the "PAY CODE" column on the timesheet.

Leave Without Pay hours are non-worked hours and will not be included in any overtime pay calculations. 


Bereavement Leave

Bereavement leave of up to 3 consecutive, regularly scheduled working days may be granted upon the loss of a spouse, child, daughter/son-in-law, parent, sibling, sister/brother-in-law, grandparent, grandchild, mother/father-in-law, step parent, step sibling, step child, step grandchild or domestic partner.

The number of authorized hours for that day should be entered in the Hours column and the code "BEREAV" should be selected in the "PAY CODE" column on the timesheet. The name and relationship of the deceased must be recorded on your timesheet in the Notes section before leave payment will be released.

Bereavement leave hours are non-worked hours and will not be included in any overtime pay calculations. 


Family and Medical Leave

The NEW Solutions Program will follow the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) unless an Enrollee is assigned in a state that has a more liberal law. In these cases, the NEW Solutions Program will follow the more liberal state law.

The FMLA entitles eligible enrollees of covered employers to take job-protected, unpaid leave for specified family and medical reasons. Eligible enrollees are entitled to:

  • Twelve work weeks of leave in any 12-month period for:
    • Birth and care of the enrollee's child, within one year of birth
    • Placement with the enrollee of a child for adoption or foster care, within one year of the placement
    • Care of an immediate family member (spouse, child, parent) who has a serious health condition
    • For the enrollee's own serious health condition that makes the enrollee unable to perform the essential functions of his or her job
    • Any qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that the enrollee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent is on active duty or has been notified of an impending call or order to active duty in the U.S. National Guard or Reserves in support of a contingency operation
  • Twenty-six workweeks of leave during a single 12-month period to care for a covered service member with a serious injury or illness if the enrollee is the spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin of the service member (Military Caregiver Leave)

Eligibility requires enrollment in the NEW Solutions Program for a minimum of one year AND at least 1250 duty hours worked during the 12-month period immediately preceding the request for leave.  Sick and vacation hours do not count towards the 1250 duty hours.

Requesting family and medical leave requires enrollees to submit a written request, which includes justification, to the NEW Solutions Program Field Office with a copy to the Monitor. Certification may be required as permitted by the FMLA

E-Timesheets must be submitted during family and medical leave for accurate record-keeping purposes. The number of authorized hours for that day should be entered in the "HOURS" column (the electronic timesheet system will not accept zeros), and sick(SICK), vacation (VACATION), or leave without pay (LWOP) should be selected in "PAY CODE" column on the timesheet 

Sick and vacation leave hours (if available) must be used concurrently during the time off for family and medical leave. Once sick and vacation leave have been depleted, the remainder of FML is unpaid.

Health Insurance, for those Enrollees covered under the NEW Solutions Program group health care plan, will continue to be paid.

Failure to return to the NEW Solutions Program assignment at the end of the family and medical leave period may prompt NEW Solutions to initiate separation procedures.

Family and Medical Leave hours are non-worked hours and will not be included in any overtime pay calculations.


State Paid Family and Medical Leave

Click on the state name to view the poster for leave offered by the specific state.

          California - San Francisco


State Leave Handbook

Program Notice

          District of Columbia
          New Jersey
          New York
          Rhode Island



Inclement Weather Policy

Enrollees who report to the agency office should follow the guidance of their local office for late arrival, early dismissal or office closure due to inclement weather conditions. 

Telework Enrollees - Enrollees who are participating in a telework program, including those who perform telework regularly, those who telework on an ad hoc basis and who do not report to the agency office must be prepared to telework or take unscheduled leave. In general, inclement weather and safety leave is not available to telework enrollees who do not report to the office.


EPA Closures, Late Openings and Early Dismissals

SEE Enrollees must follow the guidance of their designated EPA facility for closures, late arrivals or early dismissals. In the event of an official EPA-designed closure, late arrival, or early dismissal (including early release for federal holidays), enrollees may be eligible to receive Administrative pay for the hours of closure only if working that day.  Please refer to the Administrative Leave section of the handbook. 


SEE Program Administrative Leave

The granting of administrative leave, a type of paid leave, may be appropriate under various circumstances. In general, except as noted below, the enrollee must receive advance written approval – by email – from their monitor to use an administrative leave category prior to the event.

After providing required advance notice, the enrollee must report the administrative leave hours to their grantee organization via their timecard by selecting the “SEE Program Admin Leave” Pay Code and adding a Note to that day specifying the reason for the leave.  

Reminder that SEE Enrollees are not federal employees and do not have access to the same Administrative Leave options as federal staff.

Administrative Leave applicable to SEE Enrollees:


Administrative Leave Category

Leave Hours Allowed

Leave Guidelines

General (e.g. early dismissal prior to federal holiday)

Specific to each event; no maximum per leave year.

The enrollee must obtain advance, written approval from their monitor or SEE Coordinator before using administrative leave.

Weather and Safety

Specific to each event; no maximum per leave year.

When possible, the enrollee must obtain advance, written approval from their monitor or SEE Coordinator before using administrative leave.

Blood Donation

Up to four hours to donate blood outside of the workplace, unless the place of business requires the enrollee’s presence at work. Monitors may approve no more than ten cumulative workdays within 26 pay periods.

The enrollee must obtain advance, written approval from their monitor or SEE Coordinator before using administrative leave.


Specific to each event; no maximum per leave year.

The enrollee must obtain advance, written approval from their monitor or SEE Coordinator.

COVID-19 Vaccination

Primary Vaccination Series – Please refer to the CDC Vaccine Guidance.

Booster Dose - A booster is an extra dose of vaccine given after the original primary dose (or doses for two-shot vaccines). For more information on boosters, please refer to the CDC Booster Guidance.

Additional Dose - An additional dose is given to certain immunocompromised individuals when the initial immune response following a primary COVID-19 vaccine series is likely to be insufficient. For more information on additional doses, please refer to the CDC Immunocompromised Guidance.

If they are eligible to receive such a shot, enrollees may be granted up to four hours of administrative leave to receive a COVID-19 primary vaccination, booster, or additional dose. Enrollees must obtain advance, written approval from their monitor before using administrative leave for this purpose. Only the amount of leave necessary to receive the vaccination should be granted (e.g., an enrollee may not need four hours to receive a shot).


Up to four hours admin leave per election event; only the actual time necessary may be authorized.

Enrollee must obtain advance, written approval from their monitor before using administrative leave to vote. Only the actual time necessary should be authorized. For example, if the enrollee needs two hours to vote, the monitor may authorize only two hours and not the full four hours.

Non-Partisan Poll Worker

Up to four hours admin leave per leave year; Only the actual time necessary may be authorized.

The enrollee must provide documentation to their monitor or coordinator identifying their status with their election jurisdiction and obtain advance, written approval from their monitor before using administrative leave to serve as a non-partisan poll worker or observer. Only the actual time necessary should be authorized. For example, if the enrollee needs two hours to serve as a non-partisan poll worker or observer, the supervisor may authorize only two hours and not the full four hours.